


    If you are an artist and you would like to collaborate with Bizart these are the steps you should follow:

1. Send us your work via photos, JPEG file or CD-DVD so we can evaluate it and add it to our collection
The above could be send to our e-mail :
Or via post to the following address: Victoros Hugo 9 & Andrianiou ,Metamorfosis Attiki zip code 14452
For any further questions please contact Mr. Nikos Mouratidis at +030 210 2852388


2. Bizart Selection team
When we receive your work we hand it to our experts who will examine it thoroughly with great attention and respect! Our selection team is formed by artists, graphic designers and marketing people whose selection criteria are based on image, color and style of the artwork according to the latest trends that influence demand.


3. Collaboration Contract
Given that your work has been selected we will sign a mutual collaboration contract that apart from all other will state the percentage of royalties you will receive on each sale. Royalties are paid off every 2 months.


4. Promotion -Presentation
Every Artist will be presented through our catalogues and company website with an introductory note about her/his work, short CV and photo.


For additional information please contact us.


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